2017 Aeropress Western Regional in Vancouver


The 2017 Aeropress Western Regional Competition was held in Vancouver at the Americian Cafe near Main Station. The event was organised by Coffee Potluck and sponsored by Timbertrain. Competitors go head to head brewing one cup of coffee to be tasted by three judges. Everyone must brew with an Aeropress in 8 minutes using the same beans. Each round 3 competitors face each other with one making it to the next round. After the first wave the winners from each round face each other till the last three.

This is one of the most fair coffee competitions as we don't have ballers buying the expensive kind of beans to price out the competition. Entry to compete is cheap and to spectate was free! I have always loved coffee, and since it was in town I decided to participate in the competition. 

The round for first place was a battle between Victoria, Christina and Eldric. To decided who gets 2nd and 3rd place the two competitors duke it out in the final round. This year Victoria placed 1st,  Eldric in 2nd and Christina in 3rd! The first row of photos from left to right is Victoria, Christina and Eldric.

Victoria celebrating a happy win! Congratulations Victoria! For placing first she won a commandante hand grinder and a sponsored trip to compete in the Nationals in Winnipeg. At nationals, she will be able to start in the semi-finals. Have fun!!